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HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 9634 Server: Werkzeug/2.0.3 Python/3.6.8 Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 09:04:07 GMT <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="/static/bootstrap-5.3.0-alpha1-dist/js/popper.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/bootstrap-5.3.0-alpha1-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <script src="/static/bootstrap-5.3.0-alpha1-dist/js/jquery-3.7.0.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" ></script> <script src="/static/bootstrap-5.3.0-alpha1-dist/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <title>TWLSEA</title> </head> <style type="text/css"> .nav-pills .nav-item .active { background-color: #4287f5; } .col-lg-8 { background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #4287f5, #78b9e6, #4287f5), linear-gradient(to right, #4287f5, #78b9e6, #4287f5); height: 50px; padding-top: 5px; } </style> <body> <script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/bootstrap/5.3.0-alpha1/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-/mhDoLbDldZc3qpsJHpLogda//BVZbgYuw6kof4u2FrCedxOtgRZDTHgHUhOCVim" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-2"></div> <div class="col-3"><h1 ><span style="color: #4287f5">TWLSEA<small style="color: #6c757d"> v1.0</small></span></h1></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-2"></div> <div class="col-3"><h7><span style="color: black">A Tool for Weighted lncRNA Set Enrichment Analysis</span></h7></div> </div> <br> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-lg-8"> <div class="container text-center" > <div class="row"> <div> <ul id="nav" class="nav nav-pills nav-fill justify-content-center"> <li class="nav-item" > <a class="nav-link active fw-bold" style="color: white;font-size: 18px;" href="/twlsea">Home</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link fw-bold" style="color: white;font-size: 18px;" href="/twlsea/Analysis">Analysis</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link fw-bold" style="color: white;font-size: 18px;" href="/twlsea/query">Query</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link fw-bold" style="color: white;font-size: 18px;" href="/twlsea/download">Download</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link fw-bold" style="color: white;font-size: 18px;" href="/twlsea/help">Help</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link fw-bold" style="color: white;font-size: 18px;" href="/twlsea/about">About</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-1"></div> <div class="col-1"></div> </div> </body> <script> var currentUrl = window.location.pathname; // 获取导航栏元素和所有导航链接元素 var nav = document.querySelector('#nav'); var links = nav.querySelectorAll('.nav-link'); // 遍历所有导航链接元素 for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++){ links[i].classList.remove('active') } for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; // 检查导航链接是否与当前页面的URL匹配 if (link.getAttribute('href') === currentUrl) { // 如果匹配,则为导航链接添加active类名 link.classList.add('active'); break; } } </script> <br> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-6"> <p><h2 align="left" style="color: #0dcaf0">Introduction</h2></p> </div> <div class="col-1"> <p><h2 align="left" style="color: #0dcaf0">Links</h2></p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-8"> <hr> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-6" style="color: gray"> Long noncoding RNA (LncRNA) is a type of long stranded non coding RNA with a length greater than 200nt, and is an important component of the non coding genome. A large number of studies have shown that lncRNAs are involved in a variety of biological processes, including DNA methylation, histone modification, RNA post transcriptional regulation and protein translation regulation, and participate in the regulation of various physiological and pathological processes. </div> <div class="col-2"> <p><h5 align="left" class="fw-bold" style="color: #6c757d"> <a href="http://www.lirmed.com/tam2/" class="fw-bold text-decoration-none" style="color: #6c757d">· TAM2.0</a></h5></p> <p><h5 align="left" class="fw-bold" style="color: #6c757d"> <a href="http://www.lirmed.com:5003/tlsea" class="fw-bold text-decoration-none" style="color: #6c757d">· TLSEA</a></h5></p> <p><h5 align="left" class="fw-bold" style="color: #6c757d"> <a href="https://bio.liclab.net/LncSEAv2/analysis/gene_set_enrichment.php" class="fw-bold text-decoration-none" style="color: #6c757d">· LncSEA</a></h5></p> </div> </div> <br> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-6"> <p style="color: gray"><span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">TWLSEA<small style="color: #4287f5"> v1.0</small></span> not only annotated the importance of lncRNA in various aspects, but also applied it to traditional conventional analysis methods, achieving better analysis results. We collected 33 different sets of data from lncSEA and applied them to TWLSEAv1.0 In addition, we also collected <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">6 </span>categories of lncRNA importance scores <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">(GIC, Expression, Upstream, Downstream, Enhancer, Disease)</span>, including <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">18 </span> subclass for users to select. Choosing an appropriate importance score will make the results more scientific</p> <p style="color: gray"></p> </div> <div class="col-2"> <p><h2 align="" style="color: #0dcaf0">Group</h2></p> <p>Dr. Jianwei Li Institute of Computational Medicine, School of Artificial Intelligence, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China Email: lijianwei@hebut.edu.cn</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-6"> <p><h2 align="left" style="color: #0dcaf0">Quick Start Tutorial</h2></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-8"> <hr> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-8"> <p style="color: gray"><span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">First</span>, you need to input a gene list, and each lncRNA is separated by <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">"\n"</span>, for example, the list of differentially expressed lncRNAs in breast cancer. <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">Second</span>, choose the importance category that interests you. For example, select <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">breast</span> in the <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">expression</span> class as the importance score for this lncRNA list. <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">Third</span>, choose the lncRNA annotation sets. For example, select <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">disease</span> in the <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">lncRNA annotation sets</span> as the enrichment analysis data for this lncRNA list, <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">and finally</span> select the <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">strength factor Q</span>, such as 3. Finally, click the <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold">Run</span> button to submit the task. On the results page, we will display the enrichment analysis results of the lncRNA list submitted by the user, including <span style="color: #4287f5" class="fw-bold"> Type, P-value, FDR, Enrichment Rate</span> etc.</p> </div> </div> <br> <br> <div class="row" > <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-8" style="background-color: lightblue;height: 50px;padding-top: 10px; color: darkgoldenrod" align="center" > This website has been tested by using Chrome and Firefox browsers. For better experience, please use Chrome and Firefox browsers. </div> </div> <br> <div class="row" > <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-8"> <p> If you use TWLSEA v1.0 in your work, please cite our publications:</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-4"> </div> </div> </div> </html>
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charset=utf-8\r\nContent-Length: 9634\r\nServer: Werkzeug/2.0.3 Python/3.6.8\r\nDate: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 09:04:07 GMT\r\n\r\n<!doctype html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n <script src=\"/static/bootstrap-5.3.0-alpha1-dist/js/popper.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/static/bootstrap-5.3.0-alpha1-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css\">\n <script src=\"/static/bootstrap-5.3.0-alpha1-dist/js/jquery-3.7.0.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\" ></script>\n <script src=\"/static/bootstrap-5.3.0-alpha1-dist/js/bootstrap.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n <title>TWLSEA</title>\n </head>\n\n <style type=\"text/css\">\n .nav-pills .nav-item .active {\n background-color: #4287f5;\n}\n .col-lg-8 {\n background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #4287f5, #78b9e6, #4287f5),\n linear-gradient(to right, #4287f5, #78b9e6, #4287f5);\n height: 50px;\n padding-top: 5px;\n}\n </style>\n <body>\n <script src=\"https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/bootstrap/5.3.0-alpha1/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js\" integrity=\"sha384-/mhDoLbDldZc3qpsJHpLogda//BVZbgYuw6kof4u2FrCedxOtgRZDTHgHUhOCVim\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\n <div> </div>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-3\"><h1 ><span style=\"color: #4287f5\">TWLSEA<small style=\"color: #6c757d\"> v1.0</small></span></h1></div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-3\"><h7><span style=\"color: black\">A Tool for Weighted lncRNA Set Enrichment Analysis</span></h7></div>\n </div>\n <br>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-lg-8\">\n <div class=\"container text-center\" >\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div>\n <ul id=\"nav\" class=\"nav nav-pills nav-fill justify-content-center\">\n <li class=\"nav-item\" >\n <a class=\"nav-link active fw-bold\" style=\"color: white;font-size: 18px;\" href=\"/twlsea\">Home</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-item\">\n <a class=\"nav-link fw-bold\" style=\"color: white;font-size: 18px;\" href=\"/twlsea/Analysis\">Analysis</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-item\">\n <a class=\"nav-link fw-bold\" style=\"color: white;font-size: 18px;\" href=\"/twlsea/query\">Query</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-item\">\n <a class=\"nav-link fw-bold\" style=\"color: white;font-size: 18px;\" href=\"/twlsea/download\">Download</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-item\">\n <a class=\"nav-link fw-bold\" style=\"color: white;font-size: 18px;\" href=\"/twlsea/help\">Help</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-item\">\n <a class=\"nav-link fw-bold\" style=\"color: white;font-size: 18px;\" href=\"/twlsea/about\">About</a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-1\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-1\"></div>\n </div>\n </body>\n\n<script>\n var currentUrl = window.location.pathname;\n\n// \u83b7\u53d6\u5bfc\u822a\u680f\u5143\u7d20\u548c\u6240\u6709\u5bfc\u822a\u94fe\u63a5\u5143\u7d20\nvar nav = document.querySelector('#nav');\nvar links = nav.querySelectorAll('.nav-link');\n\n// \u904d\u5386\u6240\u6709\u5bfc\u822a\u94fe\u63a5\u5143\u7d20\n for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++){\n links[i].classList.remove('active')\n }\nfor (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {\n var link = links[i];\n\n // \u68c0\u67e5\u5bfc\u822a\u94fe\u63a5\u662f\u5426\u4e0e\u5f53\u524d\u9875\u9762\u7684URL\u5339\u914d\n if (link.getAttribute('href') === currentUrl) {\n // \u5982\u679c\u5339\u914d\uff0c\u5219\u4e3a\u5bfc\u822a\u94fe\u63a5\u6dfb\u52a0active\u7c7b\u540d\n link.classList.add('active');\n break;\n }\n\n}\n </script>\n\n <br>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-6\">\n <p><h2 align=\"left\" style=\"color: #0dcaf0\">Introduction</h2></p>\n </div>\n <div class=\"col-1\">\n <p><h2 align=\"left\" style=\"color: #0dcaf0\">Links</h2></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-8\">\n <hr>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-6\" style=\"color: gray\">\n Long noncoding RNA (LncRNA) is a type of long stranded non coding RNA with a length greater than 200nt, and is an important component of the non coding genome. A large number of studies have shown that lncRNAs are involved in a variety of biological processes, including DNA methylation, histone modification, RNA post transcriptional regulation and protein translation regulation, and participate in the regulation of various physiological and pathological processes.\n </div>\n <div class=\"col-2\">\n <p><h5 align=\"left\" class=\"fw-bold\" style=\"color: #6c757d\"> <a href=\"http://www.lirmed.com/tam2/\" class=\"fw-bold text-decoration-none\" style=\"color: #6c757d\">\u00b7 TAM2.0</a></h5></p>\n <p><h5 align=\"left\" class=\"fw-bold\" style=\"color: #6c757d\"> <a\n href=\"http://www.lirmed.com:5003/tlsea\" class=\"fw-bold text-decoration-none\" style=\"color: #6c757d\">\u00b7 TLSEA</a></h5></p>\n <p><h5 align=\"left\" class=\"fw-bold\" style=\"color: #6c757d\"> <a\n href=\"https://bio.liclab.net/LncSEAv2/analysis/gene_set_enrichment.php\" class=\"fw-bold text-decoration-none\" style=\"color: #6c757d\">\u00b7 LncSEA</a></h5></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <br>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-6\">\n <p style=\"color: gray\"><span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">TWLSEA<small style=\"color: #4287f5\"> v1.0</small></span> not only annotated the importance of lncRNA in various aspects, but also applied it to traditional conventional analysis methods, achieving better analysis results. We collected 33 different sets of data from lncSEA and applied them to TWLSEAv1.0\n In addition, we also collected <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">6 </span>categories of lncRNA importance scores <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">(GIC, Expression, Upstream, Downstream, Enhancer, Disease)</span>, including <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">18 </span> subclass for users to select. Choosing an appropriate importance score will make the results more scientific</p>\n <p style=\"color: gray\"></p>\n </div>\n <div class=\"col-2\">\n <p><h2 align=\"\" style=\"color: #0dcaf0\">Group</h2></p>\n <p>Dr. Jianwei Li\nInstitute of Computational Medicine, School of Artificial Intelligence, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China\nEmail: lijianwei@hebut.edu.cn</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-6\">\n <p><h2 align=\"left\" style=\"color: #0dcaf0\">Quick Start Tutorial</h2></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-8\">\n <hr>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-8\">\n <p style=\"color: gray\"><span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">First</span>, you need to input a gene list, and each lncRNA is separated by <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">\"\\n\"</span>, for example, the list of differentially expressed lncRNAs in breast cancer. <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">Second</span>, choose the importance category that interests you. For example, select <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">breast</span> in the <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">expression</span> class as the importance score for this lncRNA list. <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">Third</span>, choose the lncRNA annotation sets. For example, select <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">disease</span> in the <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">lncRNA annotation sets</span> as the enrichment analysis data for this lncRNA list, <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">and finally</span> select the <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">strength factor Q</span>, such as 3.\n Finally, click the <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\">Run</span> button to submit the task. On the results page, we will display the enrichment analysis results of the lncRNA list submitted by the user, including <span style=\"color: #4287f5\" class=\"fw-bold\"> Type, P-value, FDR, Enrichment Rate</span> etc.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <br>\n <br>\n <div class=\"row\" >\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-8\" style=\"background-color: lightblue;height: 50px;padding-top: 10px; color: darkgoldenrod\" align=\"center\" >\n This website has been tested by using Chrome and Firefox browsers. For better experience, please use Chrome and Firefox browsers.\n </div>\n </div>\n <br>\n <div class=\"row\" >\n <div class=\"col-sm-2\"></div>\n <div class=\"col-8\">\n <p> If you use TWLSEA v1.0 in your work, please cite our publications:</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n <div class=\"col-4\">\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n</html>", "datamd5" : "c6107b3ab7db96e9fb5f354e4cb63711", "datammh3" : -1117874504, "device" : { "class" : "<enterprise field>: device.class" }, "domain" : [ "lirmed.com" ], "forward" : "www.lirmed.com", "geolocus" : { "asn" : "AS37963", "continent" : "AS", "continentname" : "Asia", "country" : "CN", "countryname" : "China", "domain" : [ "alibaba-inc.com", "cnnic.cn" ], "isineu" : "false", "latitude" : "35.86166", "location" : "35.86166,104.195397", "longitude" : "104.195397", "netname" : "ALISOFT", "organization" : "Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.", "subnet" : "" }, "hostname" : [ "www.lirmed.com" ], "ip" : "", "ipv6" : "false", "latitude" : "39.9110", "location" : "39.9110,116.3950", "longitude" : "116.3950", "node" : { "country" : "<enterprise field>: node.country", "groupid" : "<enterprise field>: node.groupid", "id" : "<enterprise field>: node.id", "physicalcountry" : "<enterprise field>: node.physicalcountry" }, "organization" : "Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.", "port" : 5000, "product" : "Werkzeug", "productvendor" : "Pocoo", "productversion" : "2.0.3", "protocol" : "http", "protocolversion" : "1.0", "reason" : "OK", "seen_date" : "2024-11-21", "source" : "datascan::redirect::3", "status" : 200, "subnet" : "", "tag" : "<enterprise field>: tag", "tld" : [ "com" ], "tls" : "false", "transport" : "tcp", "url" : "/twlsea" }